Thirty Things written into Thirty Stories all within Thirty Days

Oct 31, 2012 23:15

This is the THIRTY THINGS I'll be trying to write a bit of story for this month (this would have been a lot easier if I hadn't lost my dares notebook):

1. offering protection
2. include a business from where you live
3. someone reading something out loud
4. a line drawn in the sand
5. north star
6. ancient tales
7. name something saints row
8. break someone's arm
9. please set me free
10. include something on fire
11. walk toward the horizon
12. include someone passing a note
13. embrace failure
14. the rains washes it all away
15. kill off a character in spectacular fashion
16. kill off a character in a quiet moment
17. introduce a fantastical creature
18. that way you look at me
19. get them all drunk
20. where is it you want to be right now
21. write out confessions
22. line everyone up
23. introduce a bracelet as a gift
24. up, up and away
25. right on the edge
26. a dream becomes important
27. going for a swim
28. a secret is revealed
29. the strong become the weak
30. watch the sun set
31. someone arrives with unexpected gifts
32. One character is a terrible cook who loves to bake. One character is an excellent chef but has to be begged, bullied or paid to make a meal. (Or change cook with a plot relevant skill- basically one hates it and is good at it and the other is terrible and loves it).
34. One character keeps on losing umbrellas, books and/ or water bottles wherever he/ she takes them and is convinced there is a sinister conspiracy afoot. Bonus points if there actually is a sinister conspiracy afoot.
35. Someone wearing a misogynist t-shirt gets punched in the face. Inspired by someone I saw today who I, alas, did not actually punch in the face.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

original, 2012

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