FIC: New Mexico State of Mind

Jul 04, 2012 11:14

Title: New Mexico State of Mind
Characters: Clint/Natasha, Coulson
Word Count: ~4200
Summary: Clint and Natasha have a complex relationship. Never more complex than when they aren't together. This is the story of their time between Natasha's work with Tony Stark in Iron Man 2, Clint's excursion to New Mexico in Thor and where it all picks up again in Avengers.

Author's Note: I firmly believe that Master Assassins would text in complete sentences. I firmly believe that everyone should text in complete sentences. In the middle of writing this, I found this picture by lettiebobettie on tumblr. Since this was almost exactly how I saw them when I was watching Thor, I used this as inspiration for the last part. Check out her other Clint/Natasha pieces because they are a thing of beauty!

Huge shout out to Aster who was out of town for most of the writing of this but came back with a vengeance and got me through the ending. Also, a huge thanks to the group at be_compromised for the great discussions about Clint and Natasha that helped me clarify things about them as people and as a couple.

The story can be found on AO3

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

art rec, avengers, 2012

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