It's so windy that it sounds like waves on the shore

Apr 26, 2012 22:08

I decided to drop out of the SGAReverseBang that was due in June. That leaves only one story that I have due (the first part of May! EEK!) for the rest of the summer. My poor muse is getting very, very tired of long stories. I've been leap-frogging from large story to large story for over a year now. It's time to come up with something else.

Besides, this summer it looks like I'll be doing both Camp NaNos (June and August) and that is plenty of words for anyone to have to write. I'm still world building the heck out of Streetlight People so I'm hoping to get A LOT of words out of my head and onto the paper/screen this summer.

I just closed down the tab that had Amazon on it. *sigh* Is it possible to buy ALL of Amazon? I feel like I've done a fair amount of buying lately. Since I don't know what laptop/tablet/gadget to get, I might as well buy books. If I keep this up, I'm going to be broke again soon.

My sister said that my nephew (who just turned 2 last week) has started to "play" with his toys. Like making them interact with each other. She says it's completely adorable. I only hope I get to see it because he doesn't get a lot of "alone" playing time when I'm around him. There's always an adult who he wants to hang off of. And my other nephew (almost 6 months) is sitting up by himself! I sort of helped him get good at that. He's my buddy. I love him so much and I can't wait for him to get older and scream "Auntie!" whenever he sees Gramma... much like his brother but EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what he does.

I don't know where this was going. I'm downloading new podcasts and just generally feeling too tired to do anything of any use. In fact, I'm starting to get all cross-eyed again. Must find a way to get more sleep! Why can't there be more hours in the day!

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.
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