
Apr 23, 2012 09:10

Found this video this morning...

image Click to view

That is such a Tevan/Kilce video that I can't even stand it. Tevan's face is Dan but he's much older than I wanted the characters to be do I made it so he was further away in the picture. Stephanie (Plumb) was almost Kilce (and the reason that the character had purple streaks in earlier incarnations) but then I found the blue hair pic and I never looked back.

When I found this video this morning, I realized that THIS is a Streetlight People video, though. The clothing is almost spot on what I imagine in my head. I swear I haven't seen this video before today! It mirrors my thoughts enough on the 'verse that it's kind of freaky!


This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, youtube, 2012

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