A plethora of icons

Apr 08, 2012 19:13

Gacked from gottalovev

Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing, etc.

I had more than I thought I would have!

1. Tamara - Caprica & Tessa - Suburgatory :: oh, the pretty little girls could be angry at their father's together! and they could hold each other's hand as they shopped for the newest item that all the angsty girls want.

2. Chloe - SGU & Amelia - SGA :: and this would be the "we're pretty girls and we know it so don't even begin to mess with us" couple.

3. Sara Bareilles & Chandler - Friends :: nah, they'd be too self-defacing and snarky. it would be uncomfortable.

4. Bernard - Black Books & Lorna - DW :: she'd probably shoot him so it would be a very short relationship.

5. Sam - SG1 & Jayne - Firefly :: I love this in all sorts of ways. she's a strong enough female to handle Jayne when he gets out of line and he would have the strength of will to be able to tell the difference between the authority figure and the woman.

6. Zooey Deschanel & Ronon - SGA :: while Ronon has a thing for small, dark-haired women, I think he'd get too irritated with Zooey for this to be successful.

7. Eleventh Doctor - DW & Annie - Community :: I think Annie would be a splendid companion although she'd talk so much that he might just throw her out of the Tardis.

8. Teyla - SGA & Chris Evans :: ah, another pretty couple but I think she'd find him sort of useless. all those muscles and who does he go around defeating? no one! useless, I tell you!

9. Katniss - HG & Jennifer Garner :: maybe, just maybe, she could make Katniss happy. one never knows!

10. Hermione - HP & Eva Green :: this could be interesting. Eva would bring Hermione out of her shell but Hermione would keep Eva on the straight and narrow.

11. Greer - SPU & Hardison - Leverage :: the brothers have to stick together but I don't really like this pairing much.

12. Queen of Hearts - Alice & Sherlock (TV) :: this pairing made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Finally, a woman who might be able to make Sherlock look a little more sane when they're together!

13. Kurt - Glee & Jennifer - SGA :: I think Jennifer and Kurt would get along quite well but more as a brother/sister sort of pairing than anything else.

14. Lorne - SGA & Rodney - SGA :: No. No, no, no, no.

15. Cam - SG1 & Ted - HIMYM :: I think Cam would break his own thumbs than listen to Ted whine.

16. Abed - Community & Parker - Leverage :: another "two crazies might equal one normal" pairing. I think Abed would help Parker laugh but I don't see him being especial helpful when it comes to "hey, let's help make Parker seem a little normal" defense.

17. Mary Poppins & Harry - HP :: a spoonful, Harry, is all that it takes to make your worries flit away like bluebirds. nah... I don't see it.

18. Amelie Poulain (from the movie Amelie) & Noah - Glee :: maybe if he were to become a singing exchange student to France...

19. Mal - Firefly & Steve Rogers - Captain America :: go save things, boys! oh, I like this one very much!

20. Ruby - OUaT & Matt - Glee :: she'd eat him for dinner so not so much.

21. John - SGA & Eliot - Leverage :: not only do I love this pairing but it's strange that it happened because it's a pairing I'd totally write and maybe just end up doing!

22. Arya - GoT & Barney - HIMYM :: nah, she'd just be one in a long line of women. I don't see her going for that.

23. Aeryn - Farscape & Sora - SGA :: this might just explain where Sora went... and would make a great crossover.

24. Eli - SGU & Ron - HP :: this might work out better for Ron in the long run. A brainiac with a sense of fun. of course, he would most likely rub off on Eli so that they both just lazed around the whole day.

25. Elizabeth - SGA & Radek - SGA :: no. If I'm going to pair him with someone in power, it's going to be Sam or Woolsey. Elizabeth is just not right for him.

26. Anna - SPN & Anya - BtVS :: two fairly unstable gingers. nice!

27. Chuck - SGA & Ginn - SGU :: while I ship her LIKE WOAH with Eli, I can see Ginn going to Chuck for the exact same reasons! A possible match made in heaven if they ever found themselves in the same galaxy.

28. Rachel - Imagine You & Me & Vastra - DW :: If Vastra wanted to find a new companion in the present age, she couldn't go wrong with Rachel. This would be a pretty, pretty relationship.

And because no one should ever have to be teamed up with this last one, it's fitting that there is an odd number: Weeping Angel - DW

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

meme, 2012

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