FIC: Number 63 on the Informal List of Things the Gate Room Can Be Used For

Mar 17, 2012 15:15

Title: Number 63 on the Informal List of Things the Gate Room Can Be Used For
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: pre-Amelia/Lorne
Word Count: 846
Prompts: G at stargateland Alphabet Challenge

Author's Note: I'm playing around with Amelia having an interesting life before coming to Atlantis. I haven't been able to pin down if she's truly military or not, seeing as she wasn't on the show enough for anyone to catch a rank. I'm thinking she's just really good with computers and maybe has a touch of the Ancient Gene. Like I said, I'm not married to the idea just yet. It's something I'm mulling around in my head.

Summary: Set after Give Me Something and before Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum. Amelia expects a slow night of manning the computers but gets something more.

There were long stretches of time when a good majority of the occupants of Atlantis were asleep and the gate room was staffed by a skeleton crew. It was during these times that Amelia liked to stand in front of the gate and dream. Even though there was an almost identical gate at Stargate Command, it wasn't the same. The one on Atlantis was a piece of art. It helped, of course, that the room itself - the whole city, in fact - was like a museum, showcasing all the Ancient tech for everyone to admire.

"Do you think they're all like this?" she asked over her shoulder one evening, assuming it was Chuck coming back with the required coffee they used to stay awake when nothing "life or death" was happening.

"Pretty much."

She fought down the flush that wanted to color her cheeks. Even though it had been quiet lately, she hadn't seen much of Evan Lorne lately. She thought maybe she'd scared him off, something she was very adapt at doing when it came to men she was interested in. "I thought you were doing paperwork, Major."

"Finished up quicker than I thought I would. Chuck around?"

"He went to get coffee." Even when she heard him walk further into the room, she didn't bother to turn around. For once, she was going to let a guy do the pursuing because it never worked right when she did it. "If you don't have paperwork, shouldn't you be getting some sleep so you're prepared to save the galaxy on your next off-world trip?"

A warm hand tentatively covered the back of her neck right before another hand loosened the tie that kept her hair up off her neck. "You should leave it down."

"Can't. Rules."

"But you aren't military."

She wanted to shrug but the last thing she wanted him to do was to move his hand away from her neck. "Still pays to follow the rules. Chuck's military so everyone just assumes that I am, too."

"Too bad they don't realize you're here because you're brilliant."

This time, she couldn't help the flush as she flashed him a grin over her shoulder. "Why, Major Lorne, have you been reading my file? I was pretty sure that the reason I'm here is classified." When he flushed an equally bright red, she smiled even wider. "Have you really been sneaking a peek at my file?"

"Colonel Sheppard thought it would be interesting reading. I think he's caught the match-making bug from your much larger friend."

Since she knew he'd figure it out that Ronon was more or less trying to do what he could to make Evan realize she was alive, this wasn't a comment that caused her to blush. It did make her turn around, though. She wanted to see his eyes, even if it meant that his hand fell away from her neck. "Does it annoy you? That they've been trying, I mean. Not what was in my file. Nothing I can do to change that now."

"Annoy me? No. I think the right word would be intrigued. I've never had anyone try this hard before."

Chuck cleared his throat as he looked down at them from the upstairs atrium, a look of mild amusement on his face at coming back to his work station to find something a little less dull going on. "I could go back for day-old pastry if you need some more time."

"No, that's okay. I think..." Evan sighed as he let the rest of the sentence go. "Yeah, I should go find something else to do. How about breakfast tomorrow morning?"

For a chance at being able to eat breakfast with him, Amelia would prop her eyelids open with sticks. Still, she had a really bad habit of saying stupid things when she was tired. Hence the thickness of her supposedly sealed file. Most of those events had occurred after she'd come off a thirty-six hour shift.

As she mentally reviewed the gate team schedule for the next several days, she realized that breakfast might be their last chance to talk for at least the next twenty hours after that. It would have to do. "Sure," she answered, hoping she wasn't getting herself into something she would regret later on.

"Breakfast, it is." To seal the deal, Evan leaned down and kissed her cheek. While she would have preferred a kiss on the mouth, she saw the gesture for what it was and appreciated it for the promise that it was.

"You know, Chuck," she called out as Evan walked up the stairs and out of sight, "when they told me what I was getting myself into if I decided to come here, no one told me just how cool the gate room could be. The SGC can keep their concrete bunker. We've got all this."

Chuck's snort was the only answer she got but she didn't mind his mild derision. She was willing to put up with a lot more if she got to keep all this.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

challenge, stargate, 2012

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