Okay, I'll go do four boxes to atone for these words

Mar 14, 2012 21:41

I am feeling very low today. Work was okay. I was able to get through the day okay. Got a ton of boxes. That's the great thing about working at a grocery store. They have boxes coming in and out of that place all day long.

I got home with every indication of packing but I'm having trouble. I did move all the boxes of books from the middle room out into the front room because I'm having a huge sale tomorrow through Saturday. They aren't the books that I want to keep, of course. These are the books that I've acquired over the last few months when I was still entertaining how to make the bookstore thing work. Now that it won't, I need to get rid of some of them. Enough that my dad won't growl too much when he helps me move my stuff. Everything I have left, I'll see about selling through paperbackswap or amazon. It'll be easier again because my trip to work will go by the post office.

The dishes need to be done. The laundry needs to be finished. Some of the craft stuff needs to be condensed.

I just want to write. I want things to go back the way they were last week and I want to be sitting on this couch, concerned with deadlines that mean nothing in the real world. I like those deadlines. They mean I've accomplished something. Have you noticed that real world deadlines don't actually mean anything? Yet, if you miss some of them, you get in real trouble. People get angry. Deadlines usually mean I'm poorer, both money-wise and time-wise.

I'm a thirty-nine year old who doesn't like the real world. There's a psych paper in there somewhere. All in all, I should try sleeping tonight. That would be good, I think.

Thank you for all your encouragement. It means a lot to me. Time will heal this ache in my heart at having this change foisted upon me. It's not the end of the world. Not even a little bit. I'll survive this and probably be laughing about it one of these days. Funny how such these sorts of things can send you right over the edge into the black abyss. I should bump up my Vitamin D.
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