FIC: Girls Will Be Girls (Leverage/SG-1)

Mar 11, 2012 22:27

Title: Girls Will Be Girls
Fandom: Leverage/Stargate: SG-1
Characters: Parker, Eliot, Daniel/Vala
Word Count: 1311
Prompts: Parker & Vala, stealing for FanFest 01 and Pinkie Swear & Disbelief for the March Prompt Table at
caffeinatedmagic, 04. comfort of the familiar for 5_prompts
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Parker goes exploring and goes right where Eliot told her not to go. Vala also gets Daniel all riled up... but not the good way.

Parker nursed her secret as she would a migraine: in the dark, alternating between ice and heat. The ice pack was for her hip where the bruise was starting to blossom like a multi-hued flower, while the heat was from the steaming mug of hot chocolate that Eliot had made for her. Anyone else might have thought that he was being nice but Parker knew better. She knew that Eliot knew that she was hiding something. This was his way of reminding her that he was around, ready when she wanted to talk.

Of anyone, he might be the best to tell about her day, promise or no promise. The problem was that he would also be very angry at her. She'd told him a lie. It was a white lie, told with the best intentions. Even though she'd planned on covering for the lie (I'm going shopping for a birthday present for Sophie) by hastily shopping for a gift on her way home, she'd forgotten in her hast to be back somewhere safe and familiar. Since she had no more hope of lying to Eliot today (or for the next week, for that matter), she knew she would have to tell him the truth and deal with the anger.

Better to just do it, like ripping off a bandaid. Hardison always said that to her but she'd never liked wearing a bandaid because they either didn't stick at all or they stuck too well. Funny how spending so much time with someone made her think like him... but that was a thought for another day in a dark room because she wasn't quite willing to touch those feelings yet.

"Eliot, what do you know about beaming technology?"

He blinked at her before looking down at the onions he was browning, blinking at them as if they'd done something equally surprising. "Beaming technology? Like... when you're building a house?"

The way he said it, she knew he knew exactly what she was asking. It gave her the confidence to continue because she knew he would answer her if she asked the right questions. "No, like the way you get up to a spaceship."

This time he did more than blink. He put his hand down to steady himself. Unfortunately, he put it down on the hot stove and, while he pulled it back quickly, it wasn't enough to keep the skin from starting to blister. A muttered curse (Eliot), a growl of frustration (Parker), and the running water were the only sounds in the room for awhile.

"Isn't this something you should be asking Hardison? He's the Star Trek geek."

"But... I think... I think this is real."

He glared at her over his shoulder. "You were beamed aboard a space ship?"

"No." Parker narrowed her eyes at him as she struggled to recount what had happened to her while she was breaking his most explicit rule - Under No Circumstances Will You Ever Try To Break Into Anything Resembling A Military Base.

She'd laughed when he'd first made that rule because there were so many other places she'd rather try to get into but things were boring these days. There wasn't much going on in Colorado Springs, which was exactly why Nate had sent the three of them here. It was just until things calmed down in Boston. Hardison had wanted somewhere warm but Eliot had vetoed Texas and California. And Oklahoma. Well, anywhere in the midwest, really. And Florida. Parker had wanted to go to Europe that was almost as hot as Boston so it was Colorado or Canada.

And that's when Eliot's Most Explicit Rule had been made. She'd wondered why he'd suddenly make her promise something so ridiculous so she went searching for something military that would be worth breaking into... and she found Cheyenne Mountain.

Really, to be honest, Cheyenne Mountain sort of found her. She'd snuck into Peterson Air Force base on a lark. It had been easy enough and she'd been ready to admit that maybe Eliot had lost it with this rule. On her way out of the main building, she'd heard something that had made her sit up and take notice. There was a military base IN a mountain? That was preposterous. She had to see it. That's when she'd devised today's plan.

"I met someone today," she whispered, scuffing at the corner of the kitchen island with the toe of her sneaker. "She, uh, sort of invited me back to her place. To see some of the stuff she said she stole. I didn't believe her since I'd never heard of half the things she'd claimed to have stolen."

"Like what?"

"The Torqued Aqua?"

Eliot cleared his throat several times. "The Torket of Akiva?"

"That's the one. Ever heard of it? Does your hand hurt because you look like you're not breathing."

"I'm breathing." But his face was red enough that she wondered if he was lying. At the same time, he looked a little sick as he turned from the sink, his hand wrapped in a kitchen towel. "You're going to use very small words and tell me everything that you did today. If you leave anything out, I'm going to make you wash every single dish I dirty while making dinner for a week. You understand me, Parker?"


"Vala, you had very clear instructions that you weren't supposed to leave the base today."

She smiled serenely up at Daniel as she settled into the pillows of their bed. "I didn't. I told you I'd stay here and I did."

It would have been rather comical to watch Daniel as he tried to piece together the information she'd given him so far. As far as Vala was concerned, she'd been positively forthcoming. "So you met this little girl where?"

"Little girl? I never called her a little girl. She's quite old. Well, not old. She's younger than you but I wouldn't call her little."

Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay. She's a young woman. Where did you meet her?"

"Here." She waved her hand around to indicate the base in general. The last thing she wanted to admit to Daniel was that she hadn't been in a part of the base that she wasn't really allowed in. It was just a place she liked to visit from time to time. "I sort of owe her a ride on the Prometheus the next time it's in orbit."

"The Prometheus?" His voice was little more than a squeak.

"I lost a bet. Turns out that you can drop from the ceiling of the gate room without anyone noticing." She patted the bed beside her. "Come to bed, Daniel. You don't look good, at all."

He'd gone pale but that was nothing new. She just had to find a way to get his mind off of what she'd done and on to what she wanted to be doing instead of talking. Another sweep of her hand over the bedcovers and she had his eyes dilating enough to show that he knew what she wanted.

Daniel was resilient, though. He took a deep breath to clear his head, calming himself before he spoke. "So she's coming back?"

"But don't worry. I made her pinkie swear that she wouldn't tell anyone."

"Pinkie swear?" His voice was up in the high range again and, if possible, he looked positively green. She was going to have to work harder to get his mind off the issue with Parker. Maybe she wouldn't tell him that she put a tracker on the girl. Better he didn't know that she was looking forward to getting to know this thief. It might be nice to have a friend who understood her, for once. Maybe she'd leave that for the morning, when Daniel's blood pressure was back to normal.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

5_prompts, graph fic, challenge, stargate, 2012, leverage

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