All for a Place to call Home

Mar 11, 2012 17:29

To summarize my life right now, I live in my Gramma's house. She had to go live with my aunt and uncle because she's getting to the point where she's falling because she's unstable when she walks, even with a cane. It was decided by my mother and my uncle (who she's staying with) that it would be a good idea for someone to stay in the house so that she can still get all the credit for living there. I pretty much stay there rent-free. It's pretty sweet. Also, it's 30-45 minutes closer to work so I save about 1.5 hours of driving time every day by not having to drive back and forth.

It's also the only thing keeping me sane and keeping me at my current job. That's important.

Today, while I was driving my Gramma home from church, she asked me, "So, when can you be packed up?"

See, my aunt and uncle were told in November that they had to move out by April (the end of their rental agreement on their house). They've been "looking" for some place to rent but, according to my Gramma, they may have decided to come stay in her house (which is VERY SMALL by anyone's standards) which means I may have to move back to Mom & Dad's by the end of the month.

Not a huge deal but there are the books to consider. I am currently storing around 20 boxes of books from the "never materialized" bookstore idea (ADA standards for the city are a bear and I would have had to renovate the actual structure to make it work) and I don't know if I necessarily want to move them TWICE. Moving any of my stuff twice has never been a satisfying option. I'm just not ready to move to Boise just yet. I don't have a new job, for one. Quite frankly, I haven't even dusted off my resume yet.

Mom did remind me that I need to call my aunt to make sure that Gramma has the most current info because this would suck for them to move to such a small place. They take care of their two sets of grandkids quite a bit and there is always a room for them to stay in. There's not much of a room here.

While I'm hoping I don't need to move, it might be the kick in the pants that I need.

Also, a new weather front is coming in and my knees ache something fierce. My back is also sore but that's because of Nic's new game, Hop on Auntie (inspired by Hop on Pop). That'll teach me to lay on the ground to inspire Will to roll over! Silly Auntie!

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.
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