Happy St. Baldrick's Day!

Mar 10, 2012 20:32

Today was St. Baldrick's Shaving Day in Boise! My sister is the leader of the Mad Hatters, a team of nurses at St. Luke's and assorted family, and the team is still in FIRST PLACE based on donations. They raised (and can still continue to raise for the next 9 months or so) almost US$8000!!!!! It's such an awesome cause and I'm so proud to be a part of it. While I didn't shave this year, I was there, cheering them on! I have a video on my phone... but it's not cooperating right now.

So I bring you pictures! I didn't take these but they were really well done and they are a very good indicator of what went on today!

This is Darren. His son, Ty, was a St. Baldrick's Ambassador child four years ago? Five? I have always seen Darren with this beard and very little other hair. He shaved off his beard this year and I swear, the man looks ten years younger. And Ty... yeah, he's nearly 6 feet tall these days! Getting around on that prosthetic leg like it was the one he was born with.

This is my sister, Mandie! The team was nominated for "7's Heroes" at a local television station so Mandie is holding a steady cam for the segment (I'll post a link tomorrow after it airs) so they could get another viewpoint. She figured she would be the one with the steadiest hands since she's done this before (this is her third year so she and I are now tied for years shaved although I technically have a year more than she does because I "volunteered" one year).

I love this picture because I love when they get to this stage. Having half hair and half none is the weirdest feeling EVER. A couple of years ago, the St. Baldrick's founder was participating at two events, a couple of weeks apart so he shaved HALF his hair at the first event and then waited to shave the other half at the second. I think it would be harder to walk around with only half a head of hair than having no hair at all.

With any luck, I'll be able to share my video soon!

If you'd like to donate (and it is seriously a good cause and the money goes for Childhood Cancer Research which benefits ALL CANCERS in the long run), you can head over to her page on the main website and donate there.

Or, you can check out the website for an event in your area! If you go, please be sure to hydrate well because it'll tug on your heartstrings, that's for sure. I didn't cry as much this year but maybe it's because I was worried about getting the right angle for the video. Hmmm... or I'm a crusty ol' badger who needs to stop being so crusty!

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

2012, st baldricks

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