If you Name me, does that give me power?

Feb 26, 2012 23:59

I was meant to be in bed half an hour ago but Steph's post made me remember a conversation I had with Aster earlier about the names in Streetlight. I apologize for not putting this up earlier.

This is how the names come out of my mouth. I don't know if this helps you or if you even care how they sound when I say them.

Rika = REEka
Aja = Asia (I swear, I didn't make this up - I know a person with this spelling)
Tevan = like Steven without the S (seriously, watch the link to the Improv-a-Ganza sketch)
Xie = Sigh
Lec = Lex
Cyril Ann = SEERril (once again, just added ANN to a name that already exists)
Kilce = KILLsee
Pliya = PLEAya
Stere = Steer
Hilla = like the first part of Hillary

Am I missing anyone?

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, 2012

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