You never know when the muse will try to scalp you with a salad fork

Feb 25, 2012 19:08

I should be writing. I need to be writing. But I needed to clear some of the tabs from this window so I need to post some things so I can move on.

To keep the muse occupied while I wrote (because she's been crabby and perhaps running a bit of a fever since I've been working her so hard of late), I pulled up some fanfic. This is what I've read so far today. Read... and LOVED!

3 Lovers by cesperanza (Teyla/Rodney, Teyla/Ronon, John/Rodney, John/Teyla) What I love about this piece is that it's not a "hey, let's all have sex together" sort of piece that OT4 so often is. There is real depth behind ALL the relationships and the reason they come together in these different formations is so beautiful. Also, the way she writes Ronon is GORGEOUS and all the other characters are spot on so it's just a joy to read. Most go find more!

Each Coming Night by celtie (OT4 in the best possible way) The team runs into some resistance and then finds comfort in each other. And you can't go wrong with a Firefly reference!

I also found this now defunct prompting community and I'm thinking of writing one of the drabbles as one of the prompts. It's so funny seeing how the SGA fandom has moved into the second stage of it's development as a fandom. Like HP... remember when it was all Harry/Draco and Harry/Hermione and sometimes you found Hermione/Ron but hardly ever. And then there was the lovely period of Ginny/Neville and some of the other smaller characters but the fandom itself sort of rotated around the main characters. And then is sort of blew up and now anything is fair games.

SGA is getting like that. Anything is fair game these days! Reading some of these older stories is fun but they're so... strict. There isn't the fun "guess what I can do now" sort of feel to them that a fandom gets as it ages. I like the SGA fandom now. I mean, I would love for their to be a movie someday but I like the wild free-for-all that I find in the places I haunt. I love the openness.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming because I need to write.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.
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