It's time for some Bourne Trilogy reading material

Feb 06, 2012 08:19

It all started with the notification about tielan's newest posting on AO3 this morning. No Promises (Nicky Parsons/Jason Bourne) is a great little snippet of their life after the movies. It's a "first time" piece and I love the flow of the relationship in this one. I love that pairing so I kept going with some other stories I found on the site.

In All the Empty Places about how Jason begins to remember what the amnesia took from him.

Leaving Scars which I loved just for the fact that Nicky didn't necessarily follow after him but found herself running in a circle. Lovely!

Where Love is Great - a "hey, why didn't we ever do this before?" piece that is beautiful.

Go and read them all! I think I'm going to go get some breakfast and then I'm going to dive into some more of them!

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.
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