TBW (To Be Written)

Feb 04, 2012 00:12

I'm just so happy that I ROCKED three challenges tonight! It's been a good 7 hours on the couch... and only 2 of them were wasted playing Facebook games.

Things to do tomorrow:

1. finish the avfe story.

2. write 2 drabbles for writerverse weekly drabble challenge (continue with Kilce). (plus a new sig tag for this verse!)

3. write a story (prompt - DARE) for sga_saturday - if I can't get this prompt in on time, consider writing the new prompt RIGHT AWAY instead of putting it off again this week.

4. consider the possibility of turning the original story for avfe into a horribly, miserable, angsty story on it's own but not with the addition of the part that wasn't working. Just have it end in death and see what happens.

5. Edit (eek!) the third stargateland BINGO entry and start writing the fourth installment. Really, finish the fifth this weekend, too!

6. Find another 1000 words for Leverage BB. Consider just writing a few small scenes and see what comes from them because there isn't enough in my brain on this other idea to make it work. Beat up Eliot and see what comes from it. Quit pushing for an idea when you haven't written enough of anything yet.

To Do Later:

1. do the picture prompt and book cover challenge for writerverse. Also think about doing another of the bingo challenges because that is getting really close and I've wasted a lot of time just THINKING about that challenge and not enough DOING.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

deadline, 2012

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