Scars on 45 concert

Jan 29, 2012 21:40

I am so thankful that my father said, "I don't know. This is Hailey. You should think about getting there early." If I hadn't followed his advice and the tugging in my gut that said that he was right, I would have ENTIRELY MISSED the Scars on 45 concert tonight.

Little venue. Not a lot of room. WRONG TIME PRINTED IN THE NEWSPAPER! They started playing at 7:49pm and NOT 9:30 like the paper said! I know the exact time because I was frantically texting R who was not able to make it because she was still putting her kids to bed.

This is a good lesson for me. (1) Don't listen to anything our little hometown paper says because HELLO, they can't even use COMMAS correctly and (2) Move to a larger city so that I can get to more larger concerts and have the possibility of having friends who don't have to put their kids to bed.

Not that I don't love being R's friend because she's amazing but I miss hanging out with people who don't have those sorts of attachments. Of course, I'm getting sort of old to want those kinds of friends. Most everyone my age is married and has kids. It's a fact of life. *sigh* Of course, those kids are getting older and older by the day.

So now that I can't hear out of my left ear (which is going to suck tomorrow!), I'm at home listening to Scars on 45 on Spotify!

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