Fic: Blue Tiger (original)

Jan 28, 2012 11:33

Written for writerverse Challenge #18: The Way I See It: write about a memory from another viewpoint or from third person. I am the older sister in this memory.

Title: Blue Tiger
Word Count: 315
Rating: PG
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc):
Summary: A little girl lives in a dream world but no one seems to mind.

"Imma blue tiger." The growl comes out low and rumbling, sounding as if it should be doing a number on the little girl's sinus cavity. Even still, it makes everyone smile. That's saying something considering that everyone in the group is a teenager, smug with the knowledge that they may not be the coolest people in their high school but they've got some clout considering this group of friends spans three different other cliches. Still, they find themselves gravitating to this same three houses on Friday nights where they can eat chips and watch movies. It's their version of partying and it's kept them safe and sane for the last two years.

There are younger siblings at all of the houses but this is the only one where the sibling is, in fact, just barely a year away from being a toddler. There are over ten years separating the older sister from the younger. Now, the teenager scoops up the four-year old and busses her cheek, much to the distain of the younger, who wipes it off with a grimace. "Imma blue tiger," and this time she brings out her claws, tiny curled hands ready to attack if anyone tries to kiss her again.

"Show them your teeth," the sister encourages, jiggling the little girl around until she makes a grimace that shows most of her tiny teeth. Everyone laughs, including the youngster who is currently being tickled. Her laughter is contagious and everyone keeps laughing even though there is a movie queued up to begin on the VCR and the popcorn is getting cold.

"Isn't she the cutest thing?" And they all conclude that she is the cutest younger sibling that any of them have. Definitely the most imaginative because she's never out of character these days. The only time that she's not a blue tiger is when she's asleep and she's even cuter then.

writerverse, original, 2012

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