
Jan 25, 2012 14:02

Time it took to cook a mini pizza in my old microwave: around 5 minutes (I KNOW! RIGHT?)

Time it takes to cook a mini pizza in the hand-me-down microwave I got from my mom yesterday: 2.30 minutes (about the time it tells you on the package)

And here I was thinking I was just getting really impatient!!!

The snowmenz, they are melting. I will post a pic tonight... if there is anything to take a picture of. We have glorious sun today and it's warming up to a decent level that makes the snow afraid so it pulls a ninja move and turns into water and RUNS AWAY. Literally, in the case of the minor river that is the end of my driveway.

I got everything imported over to Dreamwidth this morning. Only had one meltdown with the first cross-post that elle_blessing was able to help me with (and we'll see how that second help works with this post!) and now I'm thinking I sort of like it around here. I just have to get used to opening THIS LINK to post instead of going to the old link that I have just got used to pushing when I get the hankering to write something.

I had coffee this morning. Those nice Frappacino bottles that are so convenient when you don't have a Starbucks on the way to work. I may have also got a package of Hostess Cupcakes. Eating habits = poor. I know. But all that to say that I've been SUPER DUPER HELPFUL all day so far. Wonder when I'm going to crash?

All the songs I've looked at for the stargateland challenge have been sad which work really well for the avfe challenge but I was hoping to write something fun for the SGL challenge. Hmmm... I may have to switch to a different Spotify playlist.

And speaking of Spotify, paying them money was the BEST thing I've done in ages. No commercials! I can hear my playlists on my iPod! It's like a win-win situation! I know it's essentially paying to rent their playlist but I get bored of music really fast. All that money that I've paid to iTunes over the years? Kind of wasted if I don't want to listen to a song I bought five years ago because I listened to it too much then.
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