Monthly Story Roundup

Jan 01, 2012 22:50

It's been forever long since I did a Fic Roundup. Here is the list of stories I wrote in July, August, September, October, November, and December. This list doesn't include all of the holiday gift giving stories because most of those weren't revealed until after the new year.

Stargate Atlantis
Beyond All Hope for the Ronon Fic-A-Thon (Ronon/John, pre-Ronon/Lorne, John/Atlantis)
Capital A (Ronon/Amelia)
Ink (Ronon/Amelia)
Life As We Know It (various, Ronon/Amelia)
Love in the Midwest for the SGA Reverse Bang (Ronon/Teyla, Rodney/John, Evan/Amelia)
Back From the Edge for Satedan Grabass Fest (Ronon/John)
Ringing In the New Year for stargateland gift giving (John/Cam)
Balcony Five for SGOC gift giving (Ronon/Teyla)

Stargate Universe
Timeline for stargateland gift giving (Eli/Ginn)

Once Upon A Time
Howl (Ruby)
Shadows (Ruby, Stranger)
Storm of the Century for the SGOC gift giving (Ariel/Aria, David Nolan)

Harry Potter
Bright - Part One (AU, Ginny Weasley/Natalie MacDonald)
Rapt Attention for At the Close Comment Fic Fest (Marietta Edgecomb)
A Way Around Forever for At the Close Comment Fic Fest (Severus/Lily)
Something Stupid for At the Close Comment Fic Fest (Charlie/Tonks)
All In Good Time for Humpfest 2011 (AU, Sirius/Alice)
The Lucky Two for the Interhouse_Fest Prompt Fest (Helga Hufflepuff/Rowena Ravenclaw)
Play (Katie Bell/Nymphadora Tonks)
Christmas Wishes (Teddy Lupin/Lily Luna)

Original - Cousins
Safe (Svea, Cara/Quinn)
Cookies (Svea, Cam, Cara)
Make A Run For It (Svea, Becca)
After a Rough Day, I Just Need You (Cam/Becca)
Midnight Vigil (Svea, Cam, Becca, Sanne)

Original - On a Midnight Star
All You've Got is Faith Because You've Lost Your Hope (Part 1) (Loah, Adi)

Original - Allen Street
Naming (Darwin, Melissa)
Only In Dreams (Tianne, Iris)

Original - Other
Just a Cup

writerverse, fic list, multifandom, fandom rundown, hp_humpdrabbles, once upon a time, original, ravenclaw, !fanfic, cousins, challenge, hufflepuff, sirius/alice, 2011, archive of our own, stargate

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