Oh, Karma. What have I done to you?

Dec 21, 2011 21:03

I have, have, have to get a new job soon. I don't even know why I'm still here after four years. This is not a good fit for me. Not good, at all.

1) I'm too loud for my job. Seriously, I have a normal voice that carries. Add stress into the mixture and I can be VERY LOUD. Not that I mean it anymore. It's just what happens. Sometimes being loud is helpful. It appears now that it really isn't most of the rest of the time, though.

2) I need down time. The problem is that I get NO DOWN TIME or time away from customers. I'm in front of customers from the time I get there until the time I leave, except for lunch. This means that I have to really have to be careful that I'm not getting overly happy because then it's inevitable that I go too low. This means that I'm not all jokey and laughy. Very few people can induce me to laugh. Of course, what happens when I laugh? See 1.

3) I'm getting too old to be on my feet all day. I have a lot of work that can be done on a chair these days but then it means that I'm up and down all the time.

There are others but I can't think of them right now. I had five when I was thinking of this list on my drive home.

I moved back home to be close to family but I don't think I care any more. This means that my circle has broadened. I can look anywhere in the United States. Heck, I'm ready to move out of the United States if I were to find something. I make 25k a year here which is fine because I'm not paying rent but my last job was at nearly 42k. I SHOULD be making more money. I'm WORTH more money.

The problem is that I've "lost" a lot of marketable skills by being in this job (if you don't use it every day and learn the newest things, you essentially lose it) BUT I've also gained some good skills. I've got all this medical background now!

For the right person in the right situation, I would LOVE to be a personal assistant. I'm not a servant, though. I want to feel like I'm part of a "team" and not someone who is just given assignments.

I'd also sell my left foot to be able to work in a cubicle again. I was never one who didn't like working in a gray box. At times, it was quite nice.

I don't know if I want to be on the phone a lot so that sort of leaves out call center work. I could, though. I've done it before.

I called my mom to vent while I was making dinner. We discussed this calmly and she made a few really good points.

A lot of this has been building but A LOT is because we found out yesterday that the other pharmacy tech didn't get her paperwork to the state in time so she's technically not certified to work as a tech. So, over Christmas AND the New Year (the worst time of the year to be a Pharmacy Tech seeing as most insurances change stuff around that time of the year plus, this year, there's this whole new software thing happening countrywide that should be OH SO FUN) I'm going to be working by myself again. I have some help from the part time girl but not much. Not enough. I want to cry. So far, I haven't. But that could change at any moment.
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