Oh, I've got plenty of plot bunnies!

Aug 23, 2011 14:29

I finally posted my SGA Reverse Bang up at AO3 (you can find it here if you haven't already read it at the main SGA Reverse Bang community) so I thought I would add up the number of words that I've written (not counting most of the drabbles that I've written for the land comms since I'm too lazy to put them up there) and since I started writing last December, I've written over 80k - 80,022 to be exact! That is a TON of fanfic! There are two big bangs in there (one was 22k and the other was 16k) but I've also got a fair amount of fic in the 2-5k range. Not bad, at all!

I have two upcoming Harry Potter stories (one is Sirius/Alice and the other is going to be a founders fic) but that is the last of my fest fics. I think I still have a couple stories that I'm waiting for the end of fests to post. I think that waiting kind of saps away all my initial excitement for my stories which is sad. Then I don't promote them as well to my friends list. Oh well. I've never been that good at self-promotion, anyway!

I'm in the midst of worldbuilding for Allen Street at the moment. Need to get the "worksheet" out and start using it because I feel I may just be paddling in a circle.

AND... which one brings to mind a better mental picture? Wild Boar or Warthog? They both are similar but I'm wondering if one name is better than the other?
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