*falls over laughing*

Jul 06, 2011 22:45

The spambots are trying out other languages.

In an older journal of mine that is still linked to email, I got this reply to an entry of just quotes:

Vous avez de bons points il, c'est pourquoi j'aime toujours verifier votre blog, Il semble que vous etes un expert dans ce domaine. maintenir le bon travail, Mon ami recommander votre site.

Mon francais n'est pas tres bon, je suis de l'Allemagne.

And then when I translated it:

You have good points there, so I always check your blog, it seems that you are an expert in this field. keep up the good work, My friend recommended your site.

My french is not very good, I'm from Germany.

Then why didn't you spam me in German? Twit.
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