(no subject)

Apr 16, 2011 20:43

I saw this entry at the SGA rec finder site: This has got me craving something very specific: stories with visits to/from parallel universes where a character meets someone who doesn't exist in their world. Even better if they then try to locate that person in their universe.

I'm not looking for original characters - I'm looking for something like visitors from a parallel universe arriving in Atlantis, asking for Sumner and not knowing who Shepard is because their Shepard was killed in Afghanistan. Or a Rodney visiting our universe, meeting Carter, then going back to his universe and trying to find her.

I WANT TO WRITE A STORY LIKE THAT! OMG! I've not read the story she was talking about that gave her the original idea but I do love the ideas that she has. Maybe I can do this for the BINGO card... Hmmm...
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