I haven't seen the episode yet, but it wouldn't be the first time one SG borrowed actors from another. I mean, the actor who plays Varro has appeared on all three shows in fairly prominent roles - so I doubt they think they're hiding it from us :P
I think I would be a bit more accepting of it if she'd been part of the group in any other episode but I checked and this is her only appearance. It's just the logical part of my brain saying, "You'd think she would have been on the whole time but we've never seen her." I think I'm just being extra growly about these last episodes. Looking for all the holes and the reasons not to be sad that it's leaving.
And, really, she did play a much smaller part than the guy who plays Varro did in both the other shows. I mean, really, no one else might even have noticed. Just because I was sad to see her end up dead... *sighs again*
I have the various "Satedan" episodes nearly memorized so that I don't miss any details. Just like I used to be tell you every bit of information in the HP books about the Ravenclaws. I like my little minor characters nearly to death!
Here's hoping the next few episodes help you out there! The blurb for next week looks interesting!
Comments 12
And, really, she did play a much smaller part than the guy who plays Varro did in both the other shows. I mean, really, no one else might even have noticed. Just because I was sad to see her end up dead... *sighs again*
I'm like the complete opposite...I'm looking for reasons to remember it fondly rather than 'meh'
Here's hoping the next few episodes help you out there! The blurb for next week looks interesting!
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