I'm frowning

Mar 31, 2011 20:40

Frak frak frakkity frak!

I am home every weekend. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be able to spend a weekend just sitting in front of my computer but I go home to be with my family. I especially make an effort when I know one of my sisters will be home.

I AM FRAKKING HOME EVERY WEEKEND. And no one bothered to tell me ANYTHING about us sending stuff to Brazil for Daiana and the baby? NOTHING? Not one single word. I didn't even have an idea that it was happening or I would have asked. I've got things to send and I figured I would hear something about it.

Yes, I could have asked if they were sending anything. Every time I thought about it was not a time when I could call them and ask. But no one thought to say, "Hey, we're sending a box of stuff. Want to send something?"

So Daiana has a big ol' box of presents from the rest of my family and not me. Thanks, guys. Thanks for making me look rather mean considering this is a group of people who are big on presents representing how much people like you.

Fine. I'll spend the money to send it myself. Screw you! I am NOT online 24/7 when I'm home. I spend time with my family all the time. Sorry I don't like to watch TV for hours on end without doing anything at the same time. And it's not like I'm wearing headphones when I'm on the computer.
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