A monday well worth it for a change

Mar 28, 2011 21:02

I've still got three more minutes left of Stargate Universe to go but...

...I am liking the writers MUCH better right about now. Even if it doesn't turn out the way I want it to (because all writers should kowtow to me, don't you know), I have hope for my OTP.

Rodney, you're coming next week and I'm hoping beyond hope that FRAN comes through for me one more time. ONE MORE FREAKING TIME is all I ask. Two bodies. You can do it. Make this season worth it. Give me a reason to write fanfic.

Castle cut out the very end of next week's preview but I don't care. McKay is going to make it all okay. And when/if he does, I'll never be irritated to write McKay fanfic ever again. EVER AGAIN.
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