Woke up to more snow this morning

Mar 26, 2011 10:08

The spam post at teamatlantis is over. *sigh* I stayed up late and woke up early just to participate. Man, I love those things.

But now I have things to accomplish. Like finishing up projects and vacuuming and getting coffee. OH MY GOD THE COFFEE.

Finished reading a long HP fanfic last night. It had good characterization and a really nice plot but the author had this thing with commas. As in, she doesn't like them! At least not as much as I wished she would have. I'm such a Comma Nazi!

I also have a birthday party to go to (my twin nieces are three!) and then the girls and I are meeting up to see SUCKER PUNCH! We have to be able to tell Scott that we saw it when he gets back in town! Beth said, "What if we don't like it?" and I said, "We each pick one good thing and that can be what we talk about." *grins* Everyone wins!

So I should get to the morning stuff.
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