Hooray! I've finished SOMETHING!!!!

Feb 02, 2011 21:47

The official "I'm Done" page for the I Love You Like Pancakes challenge at scifiland.

Title: A Worthy Death
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon (with specials guest Sheppard, Teyla and Keller)
Word Count: 566
Rating: PG
...scifiland ILYLP challenge: cold
...5_prompts: Graph 30 - 02. as serious as a heart attack

...sometimes it's important to know the end is near...

Title: Are We Done?
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon, Rodney
Word Count: 466
Rating: PG
...ILYLP: green
...5_prompts: Graph 30 - 04. if you want to kill some time

...eating green beans had never been so fun...

Title: Just Plain Dumb Luck
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex, Carson Beckett, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: 527
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Set after Sateda (Season 3, Episode 4)
...Story Cube: lightning bolt
...scifiland ILYLP: A Pair (3/9)
...5_prompts Amnesty in January: Connect 3 Graph 1: life on the edge

...he found the edge of his endurance...

Title: Games We Play
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Torren
Word Count: 632
Rating: PG
...scifiland ILYLP: 4/9 hair
...5_prompts Amnesty in January: Table 15: 01 - make me better
Author's Note: The first story in a series for Aster who wanted Ronon/Teyla but wasn't sure HOW she wanted them.

...stranger things have happened while playing chess...

(These two stories are posted together)
Title: Finding Him
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon/Amelia
Word Count: 874
Rating: PG
... scifiland I Love You Like Pancakes: 5/9 Repeat
... 5_prompts: Table 31 - 03. Hey, you

Title: Finding Her
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon/Amelia
Word Count: 555
Rating: PG
... scifiland I Love You Like Pancakes: 6/9 I Love You Like Pancakes
... 5_prompts Amnesty in January: Connect 3 Graph 1 coming back

...sometimes you get a second chance...

Title: Guerrilla Warfare
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Rodney/Jennifer
Word Count: 779
Rating: PG-13
...scifiland ILYLP: 7/9 smarter than
...5_prompts Amnesty in January: Connect 3 Graph 1 - if it's a fight you want
Summary: Rodney has had a very bad day. Thankfully, Jennifer is around to hear his rantings.
Author's Note: This is from a prompt that Aster gave me today. It was supposed to be a story with both Rodney and Zelenka but it was much more fun to see the fight AFTER the fact and from Rodney's POV.

...in war, you use what you can to come out on top...

Title: Alive and Almost Kicking
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon/John
Word Count: 1098
Rating: PG-13
...scifiland I Love You Like Pancakes: 8/9 your choice
Summary: John and Ronon are hurt on a mission and, while Teyla goes for help, they make the most of the time.
Author's Note: There is language. Just a warning.

...some days are the kind of days that you wish you'd stayed in bed...

Title: Friends and the Scary Man
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Torren and Torren's Mama and Torren's friends (Ronon, John, Rodney, Jennifer, Amelia, Evan, Zelenka)
Word Count: 775
Rating: PG
...scifiland I Love You Like Pancake: 9/9 villain
...5_prompts: Graph 24 - 05. (picture of plastic army men)
Author's Note: This is a story told from Torren's POV. I don't like Kanaan much so he's not really part of this 'verse. In this one, he gets freed but he can't stand living on Atlantis. Sorry. If you like him, you won't like this story. *grins* This also has a passing nod at Ronon/Teyla. I came up with this idea while trying to write a Ronon/Teyla for Aster, who asked nicely. I really need a Torren icon. *eyes her flist*

...the city is a great playground for an inquisitive little boy...
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