Fic: Games We Play (SGA)

Jan 22, 2011 11:16

Title: Games We Play
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Torren
Word Count: 632
Rating: PG
...scifiland ILYLP: 4/9 hair
...5_prompts Amnesty in January: Table 15: 01 - make me better
Author's Note: The first story in a series for Aster who wanted Ronon/Teyla but wasn't sure HOW she wanted them.

Rodney had just set up the chessboard when Teyla burst into the room. "Oh, good. I was hoping I'd find you here."

"What? Me?" His eyes grew large as he took in the harried mother and her young son that were headed straight toward him. It was one thing to stop by and see the toddler, mostly at John's prodding, but it was another thing entirely to be sought out when it was clear, by the bag that hung from her shoulder, that this wasn't just a quick visit. "I... uh... I...."

"No, not you." She held Torren out to Ronon, pausing only long enough for the large hands to grip the baby before she was shucking off the diaper bag and shedding the blanket. "There is trouble at the settlement. They have asked that I come mediate and John is currently off-world. You still owe me a favor from last week."

It wasn't Ronon who started to complain but Rodney who was still a little bitter about the new arrangement. "Couldn't someone else take-"


"But I don't understand why-"

"Rodney." There was no use trying to argue when Teyla used that tone of voice that told him, without explanation, just what she would do to him if he tried speaking in her presence again. It had only gotten worse when she'd become a mother. All her energy went into caring for her child and there was little, if any, that was left over for letting Rodney have his say when he got in one of his moods. "I will be back as soon as I can but I can not guarantee when that will be. If I am still gone by dinner, mix a little of the porridge with some bananas. Emeris is working in the mess tonight if you need any help with that. She'll know what to do."

The man grunted that he understood, snuggling Torren close to his body. The little boy grabbed a handful of Ronon's dreads and began to sing a high keening song that involved a lot of disconnected vowel sounds and repetitious babbling that never failed to put Rodney's teeth on edge. He couldn't wait for the baby to start talking for real. No matter how Teyla tried to convince him that this was normal, Rodney was afraid that there really was something wrong with the boy.

With one last kiss for Torren and Ronon and a raised eyebrow in Rodney's direction, Teyla left the three men to their afternoon. The baby seemed content to continue his singing and Ronon was mesmerized, as always, with the small fingers clutched in his hair which left Rodney to begin putting the delicately carved pieces back into the box. "I guess we'll have to have that rematch some other time."

"You don't think I can beat you while holding the baby?"

That was exactly the problem. He had a sneaking suspicion that Ronon would be able to beat him while holding Torren which would only make the win all the more galling. There was no way he was going to let the game continue under these circumstances. It was bad enough that he'd ever lost to Ronon Dex in the first place. If it had been a one-time aberration, that would have set better. No, the man had the audacity to do it every time they set up the board. Once he even gave John a few clues to get out of the McKay Paradox, a move that no one but Jeannie had ever been able to defeat.

"Fine," he grumbled, resetting up the pieces he had taken off. Maybe the baby could do something useful and upset the board and they could call it a draw. That would go a long way to making this day better.

5_prompts, challenge, 2011, stargate, !fanfic

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