I made some new pretties today!

Jan 13, 2011 22:56

My writing prompt community has been pimped in a couple of places lately. Seeing the OOOOOOLD banners made me realize that I needed to update them in a bad way. Hard to believe how much I've learned about making graphics in a year. Of course, I have a long way to go (and some serious new software) before they're really great but I'm happy with the progress I've made.

I also made a few new icons to supplement the ones that an_ardent_rain made awhile back.


In other news...

The chair that I use at the computer desk is like an inch too tall. I need to either find a new chair or maybe get a new desk to use. My posture is HORRIBLE and my butt always hurts. Not conducive to writing or wanting to write. Sometimes I swing everything around to sit on the couch but that isn't any better for my posture or writing.

I'm rewatching "Outcast" because I didn't pay much attention to it the first time and I keep reading John/Ronon fics that are either during the show or talk about it. I'm going to pay attention this time!

Today I put some music on my Kindle and started reading Game of Thrones. Needless to say, I'm loving that little device! I ordered a cover for it but I'm going to hand it off to my Gramma for her Christmas present so I need to order a NEW ONE for myself. I'm sort of scared to go back into Amazon, though. I keep BUYING BOOKS, both electronic and regular. It's a sickness, I tell you. A sickness.

Over 6k on my Big Bang and have a little more than half of Chapter 3 done on LOK. Not writing fast enough. Need to write faster and more. More, I say! MORE!
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