I've lost track

Dec 28, 2010 01:16

I tried going to bed and it didn't work so I'm up at 1am, staring at my computer screen because it beats staring at the back of my eyelids. With these hours I've been running on for the last couple of weeks, too many hours up and not enough hours asleep, I'm going to shatter soon. Hope it's sooner than later. I could use the sleep.

Too many ideas in my head? Not enough? Where are the dreams that would lull me to sleep? Why is the muse driving me?

Earlier, I went through my list of communities again and weeded some more out. I'm going in a different direction. I'm hoping to stave off boredom. Evil, evil, evil boredom.

Originals. Stargate. S/A. That is all. No more. Drabbles now and then if they come to me but nowhere that is going to force anything else. Originals. Stargate. S/A. That is all. That will be enough. It has to be.


Do you know what would be an interesting storyline in the "boy meets girl, fulfills girl's every single wish, girl falls for boy, girls saves boy from dreary existence, all is right with the universe" genre? Instead of the boy being a famous musician/actor/mime and meeting up with the poor girl who cooks/cleans/owns a banjo but really wants to sing/act/cease talking, I think that the poor boy should meet a girl on the... catering staff and she ends up saving him because what he really wants to cook and she gives him a break by letting him make sandwiches for a big movie. And instead of the movie's director finding his star, he vows to always use this catering department on all his movies and the boy and girl go happily off to Costco to stock up their kitchen. And the plot twist could be that boy has no sense of smell and is constantly burning himself.

Box Office Gold, I tell you.

This is why I should sleep instead of keeping this window open while I surf the net.
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