In which I start each paragraph with the 9th letter of the alphabet

Dec 14, 2010 22:56

I NEED to write more sgoc Christmas presents. I haven't looked at my list in a couple of days but I'm falling behind!!!! There have been a couple of lists where I'm just not finding anything I can write. I'm not at all comfortable with writing SG-1 and I've discovered that I'm sort of crap at certain other people in SGA and SGU. How sad is it that I've written over 1000 of a story that I'm not proud of AT ALL. *sigh*

I was going to do New Year Drabbles again this year but all these sgoc stories are eating away at my time for something like that. Guess I'll do Valentine drabbles this year!

I totally missed the rough draft deadline for the SyFyBigBang. Am I sad? Not really. The more longer fics I've been reading, the more I realize that I need to come up with PLOT before I start writing because you can't waste 10k while trying to find it while you can do that in something like NaNo. Maybe I should work on 5000 word fics and then 10k fics and then see if I can't figure out how to write those 20k+ fics with better results that don't have me tearing out all my eyelashes.

I was so excited to find out that the songs from The Sing-Off are on iTunes! Awesome! I want that version of Love Shack!

I so don't want to leave the house tomorrow. Not only are the temperatures supposed to drop below freezing after a day of RAIN (horrendous stuff this time of year!) but it's Wednesday and new girl struggled today. That can only mean that unless she finds a few spare brain cells, she's not going to make it through this week. Not that she's stupid. Far from it. Just when she starts getting the hang of things, I move the bar up on her. Really, this is all my fault! *grins* She's still talking to me so I'm hoping that we can get through the next couple of weeks without too many more tears. It is nice for someone else to understand just how hard the job really is and tell me that I made it look easy. Awesome! Could you tell my boss? K Thanx. I could use a raise. I shouldn't complain. My Christmas bonus will be in my hands soon and I'm getting closer to my tenure bonus (every 2000 hours).

I need to go to bed.
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