Cleaning out the DVR

Oct 11, 2010 21:01

I'm back from vacation. At this point, after a full day of work, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.


Next I'm on to last week's Caprica. It's been so long since I saw it last (as I didn't do a rewatch for this new season) so I hope I remember everything!

You know how you feel when you've been out of your normal little hole and you have to get reacquainted with the little hole when you get back and it's not a good fit because you've been OUT for long enough to get used to stretching and bending the way you can't when you were in your little hole. While you're out of the hole, you want the hole and then you get back and you wonder how you were ever comfortable in the hole.

Yeah, I'm trying to get comfortable in the hole. There's a girl checking out the job that was vacated a couple of weeks ago and I think she'd be a good fit but OMG I'd have to train her and that thought is making me hyperventilate just the slightest bit. I'd rather just go on being super busy and working stupid hours that no one should have to work on a regular basis. But I don't. And I especially don't want to have the part-time girl step into full-time although I guess she was really pushing that while I was gone and everyone was like NO but she didn't really care but I don't want to work with her and I think I'll say that to my boss because OMG I would kill her and then I would kill myself.

WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? RILEY! WHAT? Is Young out of his freakin' mind? I don't think I can watch this but I am and I don't think this is going to take me to any happy places. And he's gone! I liked him! Man, I liked him so much! He was a good guy. And Eli... my heart is so breaking for you because he was a friend. And TJ with not being able to saving him and having that on her conscious even though it shouldn't have been. How is Rush so cruel? He better make this worth it. Okay, at least he feels bad about it.

It's amazing how having characters to develop makes me out of my mind giddy. The first part of NaNo is always like this but this is completely separate from that. I just... I like character development. I like wondering why they do certain things or act the way they do. I like backstory. I like creating the whys and hows and here you goes. Quinn is flat out killing me right now because I have that backstory for the first time in a long time and she's so broken and I want to fix her but things are going to get worse before they get better and... *sigh* I'm rambling about things you don't even care about.

But there are other stories in my head, as well. Other fandoms. Other poorly situated characters that need help.

Since I have seven other windows open of things that I need to do, I'm going to stop writing these random ramblings and get to work.
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