Stuff... and some nonsense

Jul 02, 2010 22:54

A three day weekend with only two major things planned (rodeo on Sunday night followed by fireworks and then seeing Eclipse with work friends on Monday night) and three writing assignments due.

Need to rewatch the Brasil/Netherlands game from this morning and I WILL NOT CRY. Slept through most of it this morning. The vuvuzela's have started to be a comforting sound for me in the mornings. I'm going to miss them, I think. What will I watch in the mornings before work? As this is the last time I can use this icon for awhile, I thought I'd get another post out of it.

The Patricia Briggs book will be out on my birthday! I love that her books come out on or around my birthday every year! Best presents in the world!

I'm going to give you a list of the books I got yesterday, including the ones from innerslytherin:

*The first four books by Devon Monk - Magic to the Bone, Magic in the Blood, Magic in the Shadows, Magic in the Storm (can't wait to read them!)

*Twilight, the graphic novel, Volume 1

*Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis by Michael Ward (found this while putzing around Amazon - I love every Lewis book so I'm interested to see someone's take on what makes him tick)

*How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill (this was mentioned in The Isles: A History and the title intrigued me)

*Silver Kiss by Naomi Clark (this is one of the books I got from a book list like this that blythe025 a couple of weeks ago)

*The Magicians by Lev Grossman (read Codex a few years ago and loved it.)

If I just sit for days on end and read, I don't think I'd run out of books for a very long time. I never include the books I get from the store (the new random paperbacks that come out in random grocery stores every Tuesday) every week. Most of them I don't need but they intrigue me and it makes me happy to buy books. *sigh*

2010, books

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