I've got Four out of Five prompts done

Jun 01, 2010 21:34

I wrote some drabbles for the whedonland Birthday celebration!

Table Number G4

crash and burn
it's all over now

Are you serious?
the perfect way


Title: Down but Not Out
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Garcia/Kevin
Prompt: 01. crash and burn
Written for: shay_renoylds
Word Count: 278
Author's Note: I added some at the end because I didn't like how the original ended. Garcia would NEVER let Kevin do her dirty work! How dare I, even for a moment, think that!

In the space of a blink, Garcia’s world came to an end. Her screen went from the normal clutter of screens and information coming in and out to a single layer of blue. At first she couldn’t make out the gibberish, her mind fizzling to a stuttered stop. critical fail… memory dump to commence… contact system administrator…

“What the… I’m the system administrator! No! Don’t! Don’t dump the memory! Do you hear me?” She began to shake the monitor, her tears mixing with the sheen of sweat on her face. This could not be happening. Not in the middle of a case. Any minute, Hoch would be calling in and would expect answers to his questions. That was how it always happened. They asked politely and she responded in kind.

But now…

“No!” she yelled again. She was Superwoman but it was doubtful even she could fix her system after this sort of crash and burn. For the first time since she’d learned to type on a keyboard while chewing gum and talking on the phone, Penelope Garcia’s world pixilated in a corroded mass of data that meant nothing.

“I came as fast as I could.” Kevin stood in the doorway, uncertain if he should enter or run away screaming. “Your system… is it-“

“Broken! It’s broken. Something broke and now it’s broken.” When he didn’t move, she began waving wildly.

Before he went to work on the faulty machine, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and wiped a few tears off her cheeks. “I’ll make it better.”

She pushed him away. “Move, Kevin. I just needed a tiny break down. Now I’ve got work to do.”

Title: Communications
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory/Star Trek crossover
Characters: Sheldon, Leornard, Kirk
Prompt: 03. are you serious?
Written for: mojinator
Word Count: 275

“Sir, we have a request to open a channel.”

Before the captain could give the order to put it on, the screen spluttered to life. A bemused face smiled at all present. “It’s so realistic. How did you do it, Leonard? Did you offer money to a gaffer for this shot?”

The rugged man in the Captain’s chair leaned forward, his face creased in a frown. “This is Captain James T. Kirk of the Enterprise. I’d like to know what you think you’re doing on this channel?”

“Sheldon Cooper.” The man on the screen saluted and then gave the Vulcan salute. “Live long and prosper.” There was a choking sound from Uhura. “Really, Leonard, this is fantastic. Best birthday present ever.”

“I didn’t-“ Another man moved into view, his eyes widening as he took in the disgruntled captain staring back at him. “Sheldon, I think you should turn off the TV now.”

“But I don’t want to.”

“Sheldon, I didn’t do any of this. I don’t know what you did but I had nothing to do with this.” He leaned closer. “My apologies, sir. Um, carry on.”

The screen went black. Sulu turned to face the captain, his expression puzzled but there was a hint of laughter in the upturned corners of his mouth. “I apologize for that, Captain. The signature was valid so I didn’t think to block it.”

“And where did the signature originate from?”

“Earth, sir. The year 2010 if my calculations are correct.”

“That explains everything.” Kirk allowed a small smile to grace his lips before growing serious again. “Time to get back to work, everyone. We’ve got Romulans to fight.”

Title: Always Ask for Tea
Fandom: Firefly/Doctor Who crossover
Characters: Donna, Mal, Jayne
Prompt: 04. the perfect way
Written for: circury
Word Count: 465

The noise had barely ceased before Donna had the door to the TARDIS open. She loved first impressions and her time with the Doctor was giving her plenty of opportunity to grab plenty of memories. While she shouldn’t have been surprised to be surrounded by metal (it had happened often enough before), the echo around her was different.

“What planet is this?” she hollered over her shoulder.

“No planet. We’re still in space. This was just a convenient-“

“State your business on my ship.” The words bounced around the opening, nearly pushing Donna off her feet with their intensity. Because she’d been in this situation more times than she cared to admit, Donna put her hands up. With any luck, she’d look like an innocent bystander and not a well-seasoned traveler who should have known better than to stick her head out of a door without knowing where they might be.

“Doctor,” she called out when two men with guns came at her from both sides. “I think there’s someone out here wanting to speak to you.”

“Be right there.”

“Probably doing his hair in the screen above the console again,” she muttered, trying to think of a way out of this on her own since help wasn’t very forthcoming. All she could think to do was flash a smile and hoped they were willing to be talked out of shooting her. “So, those are big guns.”

“And they shoot big holes in people that just show up in our cargo bay out of nowhere. Who would you be and why are you here?”

“Donna Noble. This is the TARDIS. The Doctor is in there somewhere. We were just out for a exploration. Didn’t mean to come on board without permission. So sorry, uh... what did you say your name was?”

“I did-“

“He’s the captain of Serenity. Malcolm Reynolds.”

The man who appeared to be the captain glared at the other man. “Nice going, Jayne. I wasn’t planning on telling her everything all at once, though.”

“What’s done is done.” Donna knew she was babbling but she’d found an out. “You know my name. I know your name. I suppose that makes us friends. Just to cement the friendship, you should know that I prefer my tea with lemon. I know, I know. It’s crazy, right? Lemon! Who has tea with lemon anymore? Well, it’s just the way I am. If you don’t have lemon, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay for tea. Thanks so much for asking. You’re sweet to ask.” Before anyone could move or comment, she closed the door to the TARDIS, leaning back against it to keep anyone from coming in after her.

“That was different,” she heard the captain say. He didn’t know the half of it.

Title: Can't Buy Me Love
Fandom: Community
Characters: Abed, Troy
Prompt: 02. it's all over now
Written for: merlinburgh
Word Count: 322

Abed stared at the empty bunk, wishing he could figure out what movie this reminded him of. It was right there, right at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t seem to hold onto the memory long enough to put a name to the scene he was thinking of at this moment.

His bags had been packed for hours now but he couldn’t pull himself away from his room. If he didn’t leave, it couldn’t really be over. How could his first year of college really be over?

“Hey, buddy. Came by to see if you needed any help moving your stuff. I’m on my way to see Pierce.” Troy plopped down on the bed, ruining any chance Abed had of placing the scene. He also pushed the despair away for the time being so it wasn’t like Abed could complain. “You see Annie today? She’s on cloud ten.”

“Nine,” Abed murmured.


“It’s cloud nine. Annie’s on cloud nine. She and Jeff kissed.”

“You heard about that already?”

Abed nodded. He wasn’t going to explain that he’d been there to see it all. Not that he cared. Annie and Jeff were going to live happily ever after and he’d just forget that he’d spent the last twelve hours wishing he’d gotten to her first.

“He sure moves fast, going from Professor Slater to Britta and then Annie. Man had a chance with three women. I didn’t even get one to dance with me. But there’s always next year,” Troy replied when he didn’t get an answer to his question.

“Sequels are never as good as the original. Too many expectations.” Abed grabbed his bags. “Can you give me a ride.”

“Sure, buddy. Maybe we can stop for a soda.”

Abed nodded. He didn’t care where they went as long as they got away from here as fast as they could. He wanted to spend the next three months forgetting everything.


Now I just have to find something to write for the fifth prompt!

5_prompts, criminal minds, 2009, crossover, doctor who, gift, whedonverse

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