The weekend is coming to an end but I will not mourn

May 16, 2010 20:53

I've been busy!

Finished my sortinghatdrabs drabble on Friday... four days earlier than I usually finish it! Whoo-hoo! Had to make up for having to back out last week because I was LAZY and didn't get it finished.

Also wrote a drabble for hp_humpdrabbles and got it in much earlier than normal. Not that I've been writing many drabbles, for these communities or any other, lately. I need to practice my smut because I grabbed a prompt over at hp_femsmut. I was just going to "watch" but I saw the Hooch prompts and I HAD TO take one. I may take another one... or just write it down and write it later.

Also, I came up with an opening prompt for the Tis story I've been batting around in my head. Now if I can just find the second paragraph!

Finished Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill and went looking for a community here on LJ. You'd think that LJ would have EVERYTHING but they don't. Not a single community for any of the Chicagoland Vampires. I see that people have talked about the books and really liked them... so where is the comm love? I think I may start one just to have some place to put my Merit drabbles. Cause I've got some in my head! I know I can post them at 5_prompts but I want to put them somewhere that people will read them because they love the books and characters as much as I do. How can you NOT love Merit and Catcher and Ethan and NOW THERE ARE SHIFTERS COMING! EEK! I can barely contain my excitement!

I can tell it's warm tonight because the fan under my computer isn't making my arms cold. Summer could be just around the corner! And speaking of summer, I need to go change the water.
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