I definitely did not win for speed

Apr 24, 2010 22:58

Today I got to spend time with all of my favorite kids. We had our derby car race. Wish I'd taken a picture of my car earlier but I never got around to it.

But I do have this picture of Gretchen!

(with her mom, Lindsay)

Gretchen is 4 or 5. I can never remember. She's the one who comes up with the interesting song lyrics (then sings my soul/my savior God to thee/the cradle rocks/the cradle rocks) and is always climbing on things. You will notice that she doesn't have her top two teeth - she hasn't had them since she was two because she took a dive off a chair and they broke off. There's only a little hope that her adult teeth weren't injured so she may end up with a bridge but maybe not.

Right now Gretchen is learning her letters but she's having trouble with them. She can't always say the "name" of the letter until she's traced it but she always knows the sound. I remember having letters that I could trace that were different textures so my next project is to come up with some for her. I'm thinking sandpaper and cardboard and bubble wrap and things like that. Her mom had me look up how Montessori does theirs so I'm going to see if I can't do some of the same things. It'll be a fun project for me!

The thing that I love the most about Gretchen is that whenever she sees me, she yells, "Shelley!" and jumps into my arms and gives me a big hug. Of course, if my sister is around, she gets a hug first because she is the most favoritest but I am second and that makes me so happy.

There are other kids who do the same thing but she's the one that I had the picture of today. Maybe later.
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