Mar 27, 2010 19:17

Have you been looking for a place to hang out? Thinking you'd like to be able to put together a jigsaw puzzle and get points for it? Wishing someone would give you a random prompt that you could write with any of the Jossverse characters?

If any of those apply to you, you're in luck! whedonland is a community that takes all the wonderful things that Joss Whedon has created and given them a new purpose.

If you've ever watched (and enjoyed) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse or even Dr. Horrible (and if you haven't watched any of those... I pity you.) and find yourself thinking of the shows fondly, this is most definitely the place for you.

Come give it a try! You don't have to be elite to be put onto a team. You just have to ask nicely!

Please help make Mal smile again! Join us over at whedonland... and tell them lar_laughs sent you!
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