Lovin' me some Sundays

Feb 28, 2010 18:39

*big sigh* I finished two huge fics this weekend and got them sent off. One was my Jossverse Big Bang and it ended up being 17343 words. The other was my What If... challenge at first_order (and I squeezed it to fit into the 5_prompts LOVE YOUR FANDOM challenge so that I didn't have to finish a third fic this weekend although it's halfway done and I'll get it up soon) that turned out to be over 5000 words.

That's a lot of words for a couple of days. Not that I wrote them in a few days but I had to EDIT them both in two days! Editing is hard for me but I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it.

This week I'm going to be working on whedonland drabbles because it's BIRTHDAY WEEK! I'm so excited about BIRTHDAY WEEK! It means I can write mindless little drabbles just for the fun of it and give them to people who will appreciate them (or at least act like they will!) and just have fun! I have 23 on a list to start writing and I'm hoping to get at least half that list done.

Also, I'm going to start working on my Guardian fic this week. It's an original that has been swirling through my head in the last month. I've kind of put it off and I'm glad I did because the kinks are really starting to work themselves out while I just let it rest. That excites me so much! Will try some drabbles this week just to see what comes out. I'm hoping they're good enough to post here.

And then there is the next Big Bang hanging above me. I have 6 months but I really want to get it written earlier than the month before this time. That would make me feel better! Too much stress!

Okay, I really need to get off the internet and get back to my house and get some work done. I'm pretty sure those dishes haven't done themselves! I need to have a talk with the kitchen utensils about cleaning up after themselves!
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