Okay, so I really need to finish the Percy Jackson books series before I attempt fanfic (as I have been schooled by cousins on just how much I DON'T know about upcoming storylines) but that leads me in the same direction that I have been before for other ideas... I can't find a decent community. There is the elite that
fox_murphy mentioned this last week but I don't like elite communities. They scare me and I've been turned down (by a 14 year old, no less) for not being "deep enough" and yes, the scars are still there. Everything else that I've found is very, very sad. One had a recent mod post where she asked that people check their spelling and punctuation before posting stories (seriously?) and another had a mod who appeared to think that Nico was spelled Neko. The rest are mostly all about "SQUEE! WE'RE SO EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING PERCY AND HERE'S A PICTURE OF LOGAN GOING OUT FOR ICE CREAM!" posts.
So I feel as if I have three choices.
1) Strike out on my own and just write PJ stories for the sheer delight of being able to write tweeked Greek myth. I could post them at
5_prompts after all.
2) Make my own PJ fic-writing community.
3) Deal with it and finish the Elite application because we grow stronger the more we're shot down.
I've gotten spoiled lately. Whenever I go looking for something that I want to join, I eventually find at least ONE place that I can fit in. Of course, most of those fandoms have been more adult of late. It's hard being 36 who likes to read YA books and watches way too much Disney Channel. It does make me the favored cousin/aunt, though.