Finding Him (PG, Tonks/Kingsley)

Jan 19, 2005 23:46

I do believe that I shall also make you endure my drabbles. *wicked laugh* I write drabbles like some people eat meat - often and without care for where the cow was born!

Title: Finding Him
House: Hufflepuff
Words: 100
Challenge: late (at hp100)
Characters/ pairings: Tonk/Kingsley

Tonks glared at the door. He was late. Kingsley was never late for meetings. Her intuition was screaming at her, reminding her of all the times it had been correct in the past. It sighed in smug satisfaction as she stalked out.

Following her intuition only because she knew she had no choice, Tonks walked down to the park a few blocks from the Ministry. On a weathered bench, with his head bowed, she saw the object of her affection and obsession.

“She’s gone. I was too late to help,” he whispered brokenly as she sank down next to him.

tonks, !fanfic

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