Another grand weekend ahead

Feb 19, 2010 18:56

I haven't had the energy this week to do more than go to work and come home. That's meant not much internet time although I've tried to find little bits of time here at work to sneak on. Technically not supposed to be on here but I do get on when it's slow. Tonight has been SLOOOOOOOW. In a bad way almost. I chased away some teen boys doing something with a palm video devise and one of the colums in a out of the way aisle that has mirrors on it. I don't even want to know...

I've succeeded in keeping this cold from becoming an infection! Hooray! I did it through sheer willpower, my faithful neti pot, a lot of time spent hovering over a faucet running hot water with a towel over my head, some sudafed now and again when I remembered and my fair share of both hot tea and sugarless gum. It works because I woke up the other morning with a vertigo problem and that was the start of what could have been a stuffed sinus cavity but I beat it out of me! Beat it, I tell you.

I'm watching my cousins this weekend but that mostly means I make sure they aren't in trouble and keep them fed. In return, I get to use the internet. *happy sigh* And tomorrow I'm taking them to see Percy Jackson. I loved the first book (haven't read the others yet but I do have them on my TBR shelf) and have heard good things about the movie (although none of it positive toward keeping true to the book but that is another rant) so I'm excited. Popcorn, here I come!
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