The view out this window is pretty pathetic

Jan 18, 2010 15:15

Today is pretty pathetic in the way of weather. It snowed earlier but it's raining now. Well... a waterish sleet. That wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't decided to walk the three blocks to KBs Burritos (Java closes at 2 on Mondays and the library is closed for MLKJr Day) without a hood. It's not the sort of sleet that one can run between drops. It's a full on shower at this point. In January, even! Treason! It's been so warm lately. It's like... Seattle! Wish we had their coffee shops if we have to put up with their weather!

If you like writing the Maurader Era of Harry Potter (or some of the really minor characters that are the first Order of the Phoenix), you might want to check out the What if... challenge at first_order. Even if you don't want to join the community (but why wouldn't you because yours truly mods the place and you KNOW you like her!) you can always snag a couple of ideas. There's some really good ideas. I reigned myself in a bit seeing as I didn't want to explode any heads (it's sometimes difficult to remember that some people are quite content writing canon as it stands without adding things or taking things away) so I'm super happy to see that some of the members came up with some really "out there" prompts. The one that I'm writing could have been CUSTOM MADE for me because it is made of goodness. Right now I have nearly a thousand words (I know...I should have been working on my jossverse_bb last night instead of this new one but you know how much I like new shinies!) and it's only the tip of where this idea could lead. While I love the characters/storylines I come up with in my head, sometimes I really like being told what to write. Somehow the ideas spark differently. I think that's what I miss the most about writing in an RP. I miss the input of others. I never thought I would say that but it's true. For now, I'm going to have to make due with challenges like this one and those random "tell me to write something" memes that I force on all of you!

And that reminds me that I still have two of those New Year drabbles to finish. They're both about halfway done so I just need to buckle down and finish them up. February is going to be a difficult one to get stuff online regularly thanks to my weekends filling up with stuff.

Well... I've got to go brave the wet now. Sheesh! My toes are going to be wet now and that always makes me irritated for the remainder of my afternoon.
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