September - December FanFic

Jan 02, 2010 20:22

Harry Potter
Heavy Heart - Fabian (FO)
She is Enough - Caradoc/Marlene (FO)
We Need you - Kingsley,Tonks (FO)
But Why Not Now? - Pansy
A Reason - Tonks, Charlie (FO)
Worth It - Morag/Megan
This Isn't a Date - Hermione, Theodore (SHD)
In the Middle of the Night - Kingsley/Dorcas (RS)
Just One of the Weasleys - Ginny, Draco
Away - Ginny, Draco
I Promise - Marlene, Alice

Out for Smokes - Spike (WL)
Worth Every Penny - Cordelia/Viktor (WL)
Try Again - Jayne/River
I'm Here Now - Mal/Faith (WL)
Christmas Again - Billy/Penny (WL)
Picnic (imp. femmeslash) - Willow/Tara

Veronica Mars
Studying the Important Things (femmeslash) - Veronica/Mac (WL)

Harry Potter
Rue the Day - Hermione, Snape (SHD)

Harry Potter:
Torn Lace - Lucius/Narcissa (NYD)
Waiting - Kingsley/Dorcas (RS)
In Secret - Sirius/Alice (FO)
Chocolate Will Help - Molly, Bellatrix (FO)
A Time Like This - Kingsley, Severus (FO)
I'd Like an Answer if You Have One - Charlie/Tonks (FO)
So Close is Not So Good - Caradoc/Dorcas (FO)
First Day - Arthur/Molly (FO)
Right Where it Hurts - Molly, Narcissa (FO)
Two of a Kind - Emmeline, Severus (FO)
Look of Wonder - Charlie/Tonks (FO)
One Final Word - McGonigal/Hooch (FO)
Forward as Ordered - James, Dorcas (FO)
Doing the Important Things - Kingsley (FO)

Unapologize - Jacob/Bella (NYD)

Happy (femmeslash) - Brittany/Santana

NYD - New Year Drabble
RS - for rarepair_shorts
FO - for first_order Drabble-A-Thon
SHD - for sortinghatdrabs
WL - for whedonland

2009, fic list, multifandom, fandom rundown

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