Ahhh... back online!

Dec 28, 2009 12:57

I had planned for Christmas weekend to be on big Internet weekend for me. What a surprise when we lost power (about 40,000 people were affected and in Idaho-speak that's about 20 towns) on Christmas Eve. It was just the first of our technical glitches. Our power came back on an hour later. Most everyone else had to wait for about 14 hours before they got service. That ruined a good many Christmas dinners, that's for sure.

While we had power (and a hot dinner), we never got our internet service back. If it hadn't been for the Wii that my mother bought herself with her holiday bonus (for the grandchildren, don't you know), there would have been four of us going INSANE without a connection to the outside world! I did get some writing done but I do have to admit that I spent a good portion of my weekend playing with my family. What a surprise! Haven't done that in awhile! It was nice to be together doing something fun. Much better than just watching TV or movies. We definitely didn't GAIN any weight although I don't think we lost any. *grins*

And, as always, I didn't remember my phone charger so I didn't have Twitter after Friday afternoon. I need to tie that to the inside of my bag!

Okay, my battery is low and I don't have THIS charger with me so I'll give you a better update after work!

*smooshes to all*
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