2 drabbles for the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

Dec 14, 2009 17:09

Title: Chocolate Will Help (Part Two after Right Where It Hurts)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Molly Weasley/Bellatrix Lestrange
Word Count: 282
Prompt: for lileths_requiem who asked for Molly/Bellatrix - Narcissa’s Holiday Party at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

Bellatrix swept into the room in a swirl of silver fabric and black hair. All conversations stopped just as she’d intended it would, the eyes of everyone in the room glued to her. Everyone who was anyone was here tonight. The Malfoy connects were impeccable. But there… in the corner… was it… could it be… Molly Weasley?

Oh, it was too delicious. The girl was just sitting there, a less-than beautiful wallflower amoung the glittering elite throughout the room. With a giggle, Bellatrix realized there was no other person she wanted to talk to right now.

With all the sweetness she could filter into her words, she said, “That’s an interesting gown.”

Molly’s head snapped up just as she realized who was talking to her. “I made it myself.”

“Did you? That’s lovely that you know how to sew. I suppose it won’t matter that your husband will never make a lot of money then.”

“He doesn’t need to make a lot of money,” Molly retorted. “Just the fact that he loves me is enough.”

“How sweet are you.”

She’d had enough of this party. Molly stood up, wiping her sweating hand against her hip where the fabric fit a little snuggly. “It is enough,” she replied tersely. “Have a wonderful holiday, Bellatrix. Be sure to give your sister my best when you see her. I think I’ll let myself out.”

Bellatrix couldn’t suppress her irritation. The insignificant nothing had walked away from her as if she was nothing more than a serving girl coming to refresh her drink. With a silent oath, she stomped over to the buffet. She needed something with chocolate running through it to make herself feel better.

Title: At a Time Like This
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Severus Snape
Word Count: 482
Prompt: for ravenclawbest who asked for Kingsley/Severus - remembrance at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

The room was lit by a single candle when Kingsley entered but he didn’t need any help making his way to the fireplace at the other end. A small fire erupted at the slightest provecation from his wand, lending more heat to the room than light. Once again, he didn’t do anything to change the level of illumination.

He sat alone for five minutes before the familiar buzz of someone Apparating into the next room drew his attention to the door. One minute went by and no one entered the room. Another minute and still no one. Kingsley was a patient man but even this was starting to wear at his nerves. There was only so much time he could spend away from his post before his absence would be noticed.

“If you aren’t coming in, you shouldn’t have sent word to meet you here. I could have done this just as well at the nearest pub.” Kingsley struggled to keep his tone lighthearted. It would do him no good to put Severus in a foul mood right from the start.

“Give me a minute, will you? ”

“Want some help?”

A bottle rolled into the room, the distinctive pinging of glass against wood an easy way for Kingsley to follow it’s path. He picked it up and set it on the small table between the two chairs. He had picked out the room décor himself after the last visit to this house. As a matter of fact, it was the only room with any furniture at all. Everything else was a hollowed out shell, most of it ruined by time and weather.

“Tell me you have glasses this time,” Kingsley called over his shoulder as he heard the man finally enter the room. “I’m not drinking straight out of the bottle.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Severus retorted, placing the splitting bag carefully beside his chair, “I brought glasses as well as other sundry items that we’ll need tonight.”

Kingsley was already pouring out a hefty measure into both glasses. Tonight they were celebrating another year of being alive as well as remembering those they had lost, both good and evil. It was a tradition that neither of them particularly liked carrying out but it wasn’t about them. The fire-whisky burned a trail down his throat, a reminder that he was alive.

“To our friends and our enemies.” He held his glass high, the liquid reflecting the flames of the fire.

Severus threw him a smirk. “You don’t have to say the same thing every year. It’s predictable, Kingsley. That’s the sort of thing that will get you killed.”

“Hasn’t so far, my good man.” He settled into the chair, enjoying the firm cushions at his back. For one single hour, he was going to relax and give in to the luxury of remembering his friends the way they deserved to be remembered.

2009, slytherin, first order, weasley

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