Perhaps the Muse is at a Columbus Day shoe sale

Oct 12, 2009 08:56

Everyday I open the birthday drabble documents that I promised SaraJo and Aster. I write 3 sentences each if I'm lucky. And I close them again. That and the world building I'm doing with Aster is all I'm writing lately. Part of me wonders if I'm subconsciously getting ready for NaNo. Another part of me blames the fact that I feel so blah. Another part of me if just scared. Nothing seems to interest my muse. Perhaps she got H1N1! Oh noes! *grins*

Has anyone seen anything interesting to write lately? Something I don't have to commit to? I've already had to cut down on my commitments because I got a little over-committed last month. I'm just looking for a reason to open a new word document and NOT close it without putting anything in it.
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