Two Crossover Drabbles

Sep 29, 2009 08:52

TITLE: Out for Smokes
FANDOM: Whedonverse
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
CHARACTER: Spike (in the Firefly verse)
PROMPT: Crossover Challenge at whedonland
WARNINGS: a British slur
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

“What has that sodding witch done to me now?” Spike looked around at the metal room, not happy with this outcome. “I said ‘I’m going out for smokes’ and she says ‘let me help you’ and there was a burst of light and now I have no idea where I am. Worst of all I don’t have any smokes.”

The sound of a gun cocking made him jump. “Very funny,” he started to say as he turned around.

The gun was big. The man behind it even bigger. “We don’t hold too much to stowaways. Mal, can I shoot him?"

TITLE: Worth Every Penny
FANDOM: Whedonverse
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
CHARACTERS: (yet another crossover) Cordelia (Angel)/Viktor (Dollhouse)
PROMPT: Best Kiss Challenge at whedonland
WARNINGS: none - no spoilers for Dollhouse
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

There was a knock at Cordelia’s apartment door. As she glanced at her watch, she was pleased to see that he was five minutes early. One of the things she’s specifically asked for was a man who would be on time. It was money well spent. Even Angel would be able to see that once she expensed her “date” tonight.

“You’re early,” she purred as she opened the door. “You know how to make a girl feel like you want to be here.”

“Of course I do. Who wouldn’t want to attend a museum opening with a gorgeous girl on his arm?” The dark-haired man going by the name of Justin for the evening stepped forward, taking both her hands in his. “Not like you don’t look gorgeous every day, Pet. I do love it when you show off all this skin for me to stare at, imagining what that slip of silk might be hiding.”

She giggled. Every last penny was well worth it. “If this evening goes well, you might just to get to see what is under all this lovely silk. But you can’t rip it. The last guy I went out-“

Before she could finish her sentence, Justin pulled her close. His lips covered hers, blocking out everything she’d been about to say. With a slight change in pressure, he made her forget that she’d even been talking. Intense and soft. Back and forth. Over and over until she couldn’t remember how to breathe.

“Justin,” she whispered as he pulled back, giving her the opportunity to pull back if she wanted to. It was the last thing she had in mind. Her whole body had melted into him so that he was keeping her upright.

“We have an engagement tonight, Pet. Remember? Dinner and dancing. This,” he touched a finger to her swollen lower lip, “is just a precursor to the dessert course. You and me. Right back here. I hope you have the whipped cream.”

Right now, she knew two things for sure. One was that she had indeed remembered to pick up whipped cream today on a whim. The very idea made her knees even weaker than they’d been with the kiss.

And the second was that her name was Cordelia Chase (very important information to remember when attending a soiree that could bring a lot of money to Angel Investigations) and she was the luckiest person on the face of the earth tonight. Money well spent. Every penny of it.

2009, challenge, crossover, dollhouse, btvs, whedonverse

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