Fic: Try Again (Firefly) & But Why Not Now? (HP)

Sep 16, 2009 22:12

Title: Try Again
Fandom: Firefly (post movie)
Characters: Jayne/River
Prompt: Rage -
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 478
Written for: an_ardent_rain at her Comment Fic Fest (it's still going on!)

Jayne smiled as the door slammed shut behind River. The clang of metal on metal was the most satisfying sound he’d heard in a long time. They were in almost complete darkness with only the emergency lights to give away their positions to each other.

“There’s nowhere to run, little girl. You can come forward but you can’t go back.”

“You’re taunting me? How childish.” Her voice stayed smooth but he could smell her rage rolling off her in waves. He’d been goading her for days, poking at this new River to see where her weakness was. The fact that she hadn’t broken until dinner amused him. With a single glare, he’d known he had won that round. It had been at the expense of Kaylee but he refused to feel bad about what he’d implied.

Now came the fun part. He let his knife drop to the floor, a clatter that made her turn her head. “There’s no way you can win,” she whispered, moving deeper into the shadows. “I don’t want to ruin your pretty face.”

He didn’t figure he was going to win. Probably wouldn’t last very long if she really was angry with him. But before he could figure out how to win her heart, he needed to understand her better. All he seemed to see were her strengths. Now that she wasn’t crazy, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with her.

“What does the winner get?” Her breath was hot on the back of his neck. While he wanted to turn to verify that she was there since he hadn’t heard her get that near, he held steady. “Are you going to give up Vera if I hand you your spleen?”

“A kiss.” He’d been thinking about this for awhile, wondering what her lips might feel like against his. When she hesitated, he wondered if she’d thought about it, too.

In quick succession, she chopped at his neck with the side of her hand, punched him in the kidney, and kicked out his right knee. As he dropped heavily to the floor, she captured his left hand in hers, keeping him from hitting the floor with quite the force he should have. As he sagged in her grasp, she opened his hand and placed a kiss in his palm.

“Next time, just ask. I didn’t have to win this farce you think is a fight to willingly give you a kiss.” He crumpled into a heap as she let him go. “And next time remember… I can read your mind.”

“How ‘bout now? Can you read it now?” he mumbled as she forced the lock, swinging the door wide.

Once again, she hesitated. “You’re going to have to try harder next time if that’s going to be the prize,” she replied over her shoulder. “I’ll only get naked if you bruise me.”

Title: But Why Not Now?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Pansy Parkinson
Prompt: Sleep to Dream
Word Count: 255
Written for: empressvesica at the Comment Fic Fest

She had seen it all before she even stepped onto the train that first time. Her dreams were littered with the faces that surged around her now, familiar yet so very strange. They all looked so young.

While she was only eleven, Pansy Parkinson felt centuries old. In her dreams, she’d visited cities that no longer had even a wall of stone to mark that it had existed. Or that looked ancient but had yet to be plotted. She’d seen what had been or what could be, an alternating landscape each night.

“Excuse me,” a boy murmured as he accidently brushed against her too hard, pausing to make sure she hadn’t been harmed.

She had to look up to see his face, a fact that didn’t surprise her. Even for an eleven-year old, she was short. It was, she was afraid, something she would have to get used to. In moments like this, she liked that she could look up through her dark eyelashes. They were her favourite feature, after all.

“It’s no problem.” Blaise. But she couldn’t call him that yet. They hadn’t been introduced. Perhaps she would do something about that. “My name’s Pansy. Like the flower.”

He just stared at her, his dark eyes unreadable. Someone else jostled them and he used the opportunity to move away. With a frown, Pansy tried to figure out what she’d done wrong. It had seemed like a perfect chance to advance things forward. That would teach her to try to force events to her will.

2009, slytherin, challenge, whedonverse

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