Aching Muscles and Millions of Dollars

Sep 05, 2009 14:27

I started the quarterly REARRANGING OF THE ROOM last night. My goal was to get my bed in place and cleaned off so that I could sleep in it. That I accomplished. This morning I got up and began working once again. Man, do my arms ache! My whole life is in a room (which is a good sized room, don't get me wrong) which means that I keep trying to fit an entire apartment worth of stuff into this space. There is always one problem corner. It's usually the book corner. I forget the exact count when I last went through my books but I'm pretty sure I have more. A lot more. As soon as I get the corner cleaned up, I'm going to count them again (and do some rearranging) because I just like to know how many I have.

Those bags on the ground? Most of them are full of card making stuff that I need to put in the card making drawers. I've been really lazy about that lately. *frowns* Must try to make time for making cards again. My spinner at the store is getting bare!

And the fan doesn't have a good place yet. I think it might go back into the closet until next summer when I'll need it again.


I have writing that needs to be done this weekend so I'm trying to find my center right now. Went back through my friends page on LJ as I haven't in a couple of days. That always overwhelms me when I've left it for awhile. But I just need to think things through and get a game plan. What I'm writing... what needs done... what I can put off.

Mom and Dad and I went to dinner last night after I got home from work and we talked about what we will do with my first million dollars. *grins* I know I'll never make that kind of money, no matter what I do. But it's fun to hear what my parents think. And we talked about how I'm writing again and even working on some original stuff again (it's been two years since I've worked on anything original with any substantial word count) and the inevitable question popped up... when will I finish something.

My Dad told me I'm a procrastination and I said, "No, I'm not. I don't mind starting things. Love to start things, actually. I can't finish things. I'm a ProcrasiFINISHER!" Mom told me I should call up the dictionary people and offer them that word for some payment. Perhaps it could be the nest egg to my MILLION DOLLARS.

Don't I wish!
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