My Kingdom for a Completed Fic

Aug 31, 2009 13:01

Just saw that there's a ZOMBIE FEST during the month of September! I've got a lot of fests to get writing for! I signed up for this one because it looked funny. There's the one that I'm running over at first_order because it sounded fun. Shindig 2009 over at whedonland is coming up fast and I need to be prepared! There's the fic for smut4flowers that I need to get cracking on.

Anything else?

*deep breath* I hope not!

Well, that's not entirely true...

While writing out all the August fics this morning, I realized that I've written so many fics (and not all of them have been drabbles because my average these days is about 500 words) is because there's been some fun challengey sort of thing that just sort of pops up each month. I've had so much fun just CREATING for no purpose again. Just to get the tiny idea out of my head before it blows up.

But I do need to be more diligent about working on my longer stuff. There's a reason I don't have very many long, chaptered fics lying around! Other than RPs... that would be a big fat ZERO. I want to have a Magnum Opus that I can point to and say "I did that!" to everyone that will listen.

And I love this new icon. *points up* I love the character on the show (Dr. Saunders/Whiskey) as well as the idea the icon conveys. I'm living in context. Living in the moment. I'm relating to the world around me and making a difference. I like that.
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